Whats up Fish People! A couple days back, we installed one of our new acrylic aquarium packages at a client. The usual had to happen, tank prepped, and placed to cycle. Filter floss was the desired filtration media.
The Flowerhorn was introduced today………a massive 8 inch DRAGON. He immediately settled to his new environment. Only one catch! ……. moments in, all that was notice was all decor i.e. plants, structures etc….was being tossed. It was very humongous and in this case we had to make the adjustments for him, but he was very happy with his new home.

The 8 Inch Dragon In His New Home.
Anyways guys, stock was updated to reflect this new aquarium package which you can see hitting the button below. We also decided to showcase this guy after that tantrum today in our package. Looking out for your comments, we’re sure you all experienced similar. Gotta love them!