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Creating Your Own Peacock Tank

Sunshine Peacock

Alot of you all managed to deplete our peacocks stock during this COVID period and we are very happy to know that we are your go-to dealer for your Peacock cichlids. So lets run through some of the basics on caring for your peacocks.

Typically, a beautiful ‘show’ tank great for your prized possessions to display will consist of a variety of male peacocks. Males are very beautiful and possess vibrant colors whereas females have little to none. An all-male tank can consist of various types of peacocks, for example a single tank can consist of stawberry, yellow, blue and sulphur head peacocks of the same size. This is to critical in order to deter any fighting among themselves.

Peacocks are very beautiful freshwater cichlids capable of growing up to 6 inches in length. They have a very semi-aggressive temperament and display a beautiful variety of colors especially in a very well balanced tank. Well balance here refers to a tank:

  • Adequate Space.
  • Proper Lighting.
  • Proper Filtration.
  • Horizontal Tank as these guys are active swimmers.
  • PH between 7.8 to 8.4.
  • Artificially Planted (optional) – peacocks are omnivorous.

A planted tank (artificial) can also be done for them as this will not only enhance the tank’s aesthetics but all provide cover for them should they feel threatened. Routine water change practices should be adhered to.

To get the best from your peacocks, their tank should consist of substrate and caves as these fishes like to sift through the substrate and rocks (not limited to) can be positioned to create caves and hiding areas. Lastly being omnivorous, peacocks can have a both a plant and live food diet. Fresh and or frozen food can be offered to them in addition to small live food.

OB Peacock
Live OB Peacock @ Ish Tropicals.

Drop us your inquiries or concerns or even just to share your own tank with us!

We love hearing from you all.

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Treating Ich on Freshwater Fishes

Ich is an external parasite which manifests itself on the body, fins and gills of fishes in the form of tiny small white spots. It may be similar as if the body of the fish is covered with sugar.

Fishes afflicted with this disease are highly contagious and should a single fish be infected, the entire tank should be quarantined immediately. All nets and equipment that has made contact with this water should be sterilized immediately to prevent spread to your other tanks. If left untreated it can be fatal.

Ich Characteristics include:

  • White spots covering the body.
  • Highly contagious.
  • Untreated can cause death.
  • Manifests usually when fishes are stressed and weak.

How Can It Be Treated?

  • Raising tank temperature. We have observed that 32 degrees celcius is effective.
  • Treat water with salt.
  • Ensure there is circulation.
  • Perform frequent water changes.
  • Ich Medication (Azoo).

Check out this clip on identifying and treating Ich.

Source: Prime Time Aquatics

Drop us your inquiries and concerns in comments below or even just to share your own tank with us.

We love hearing from you all!

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Care Tips For Your Flowerhorn

To begin, Flowerhorns are very tough and easy fishes to care for, being very tolerant to water and temperature changes. We have experienced that they are an ideal aquatic pet and become incredibly domestic.

Flowerhorns are hybrid fishes, man made, and are not found in the wild. As a result breeding our Triple A grade flowerhorns, may not necessarily produce the same fish. I am sure some of you guys are familiar with this.

Red Dragon Flowerhorn
Source: Ish Tropicals

They are capable of growing up to 12 inches with a lifespan of up to 12 years. Different types of Flowerhorns include:


Live Food

Tank Dynamics

It is recommended that they be kept singly in atleast a 55 Gallon tank with proper filtration. Being aggressive, they should not have any tank mates.

However, we have been able to get them to coexist with peacocks, possible as they have been together since the Flowerhorn was around 3 inches.

Drop us your inquiries and concerns in comments below or even just to share your own tank with us.

We love hearing from you all!

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Tantrums: Flowerhorn Introduced Into New 65 Gallon Tank.

Whats up Fish People! A couple days back, we installed one of our new acrylic aquarium packages at a client. The usual had to happen, tank prepped, and placed to cycle. Filter floss was the desired filtration media.

The Flowerhorn was introduced today………a massive 8 inch DRAGON. He immediately settled to his new environment. Only one catch! ……. moments in, all that was notice was all decor i.e. plants, structures etc….was being tossed. It was very humongous and in this case we had to make the adjustments for him, but he was very happy with his new home.

The 8 Inch Dragon In His New Home.

Anyways guys, stock was updated to reflect this new aquarium package which you can see hitting the button below. We also decided to showcase this guy after that tantrum today in our package. Looking out for your comments, we’re sure you all experienced similar. Gotta love them!

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Maintaining Water Quality

Hi guys! As most of you guys are aware, maintaining water quality is very critical towards having a clean, healthy and balanced tank environment and get the best development and growth for your fishes.

This video by Mass Aquariums, explains how you can keep your aquarium’s water crystal clear. Let us know what you think!……….of course there are a few effective DIY options as well which are also as effective.

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Introduction To Caring For Tropical Freshwater Fishes

Hi guys! For the new and upcoming hobbyists and aquarium owners, we decided we will like to share some advice on caring for your tropical freshwater fishes.

The most fundamental factor of this aspect of caring for freshwater fishes is the water quality. The potential hobbyist should inquire or research the optimum conditions for the particular fish thrive best. This knowledge will enable one to decide and determine the best PH condition of the water for the fish of his choice. Different types of fishes thrive best varying PH condition, hence the origin /native place it is sourced from, will give you a very good idea of the best water PH you should have and maintain. Best water conditions means good health and vibrance. It translates into the best color displays in the aquarium.

Water quality also includes the maintenance of waste / toxicity. Fish waste means levels of ammonia / nitrates / nitrites. These are very dangerous to the health of fishes as high levels result in death and though some fishes may have some tolerance it is still susceptible to bacteria and fungal infections. The immunity defenses of the fish is compromised. Therefore to deal with the ammonium nitrates /nitrites, it is imperative that you have an efficient internal or external filter system.

Some aquarist include plants into the aquarium which feed on the waste products and help maintain a toxic free environment. The above video by BigAlsPets, also highlights some means and methods to achieving this.

Food quality is also important for excellent fish health. Some fishes prefer plant base foods, some both plant and animal base foods and others live food. Once you have a fair idea of the above mentioned factors you are on your way to the most exciting and fascinating hobby for a life time.